A girl with her pony by a family photographer in Warwickshire

It’s a young girls dream. Their very own pony. This particular pony is much loved and very well looked after. The two of them have a lovely relationship – he follows the girl around, and she goes to see him most days after school. They were very easy to photograph – a complete pleasure – and I love the autumn colours and low light of the setting in rural Warwickshire.
I find I’m being asked to do more as a horse photographer, especially of girls and their horses. It’s usually part of the story of a family photoshoot, when horses and ponies are a big part of what the family loves to do.  I like showing the relationship, the look and the bond between them, and of course the outdoor country setting is right up my street.

Animals are often included in a family photography session. Children always love them. Dogs are naturally popular, but as well as horses I’ve also photographed alpacas, chickens, cats, sheep and even a giant pig.  By having the photo session in your surroundings it’s very easy to incorporate the animals that mean so much to the family.  The photos will provide such important memories in the years to come, when the animals may sadly no longer be with us.

To see more examples of photography of families see this gallery of  family photography in Warwickshire